Friday, March 30, 2007
Have a great weekend everybody! And don't forget to watch out for the monsters!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
It Got Worse!

Here's a closer look!

It attached itself to my tail! I tried to ignore it, but it's kind of hard to ignore something that is attached to your tail!! Then you know what happened when I messed with it? Get this! Mom said "Becareful with that one. I don't think it's going to last much longer." Can you believe that? It's attacking my tail and she wants ME to be careful! I went outside after Mom rescued my poor tail and when I came back in, it was already wherever it goes at night. I have got to figure out where they hide at night! I'm going to start watching a little more carefully to see what happens before and after it's attached to Mom's head. There isn't one today. I'm very happy about that because Dad is home today and we're going to do some yard work. As soon as I figure out where those monsters stay at night I'm going to break all their teeth out and then go dig a hole (which I haven't done in a long time) and put it in the hole and cover it up with dirt, tree branches, rocks and maybe get Dad to park a Jeep on it!
Dad's almost ready for me to come help him now so I better go. Hopefully there won't be any monster sightings for awhile.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Chair
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Monster
So it finally stopped trying to attach me and Dad came out and asked what in the world was going on and Mom told him (of course she was still laughing) and then Dad laughed and we went outside. When we came back inside, the monster was gone and Mom was getting ready for bed so it must have gone to where ever it goes when it's not attached to her head or trying to attach dogs. That made me very happy
So we went to bed and I kept having nightmares about the monster. At 2 am I finally decided I couldn't sleep anymore. So I got up and started pacing. Nobody else wanted to get up with me and I was bored and it was dark and I didn't want the monster to attack me in the dark when everybody was asleep. So I whined and paced until Mom finally woke up and scooted over and I jumped up and layed in her arms. I made sure she had both arms wrapped around me though for protection. She kept moving and couldn't get comfortable which was really annoying. Dad ended up shutting his alarm clock off so that they could sleep until Mom's went off since he really didn't have to be into work early if he coudln't make it. He made it in for his early time though. Every time Mom came into the bedroom while she was getting ready for work she called me a goofy dog and a butthead! Can you believe she'd call ME names when it was her fault?! If she had stopped the monster from trying to attack me, then we would have both slept good last night!
So watch out for the monsters! Dogs seem to be the only ones that know the seriousness of them. And if anybody knows where they go during the cold days and when it's dark, let me know. I also need to figure out why it attaches to the back of Mom's head. Maybe it's doing something to her brain and that's why she was laughing instead of helping. I'm going to do some research on the internet about this. Maybe if I figure out how to get them to stay away, then maybe Mom's brain will go back to normal and she'll change her mind about getting rid of my chair! I'll let you know what I find out in my research.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Spring Cleaning
I didn't get the picture of me swimming in my water dish because it rained Saturday and it really wasn't warm enough to swim on Sunday and I 'm not supposed to swim in the inside water dish. Hopefully I'll get it soon though. Mom and Dad laugh really hard when I do it - if it's outside. It's TONS of fun and is a fast way to cool off your feet.
I'm going to go spend some time in my chair now. I don't know when Mom is going to get rid of it so I have to spend as much time with it as possible.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Okay, know to tell you about today! First Dad is off today. A little after Mom left for work Dad took us for a ride in my Aunt Cassie's Jeep! I LOVE JEEP RIDES! Last night Dad told me we were going to get to go with him so I kept trying to get the leash of the hook this morning to remind him. He laughed and said I was way too smart! So we drive for awhile and then we pull up in front of the groomers. Sasha and I went in and they trimmed my nails and gave me a cookie and I was done. I only have soft dirt to run in so my nails don't file down on their own like they should. I don't mind going to the groomer. Last time I got a tennis ball! Sasha had to stay there. It made me nervous leaving her there. I know Mom and Dad would never give us away, but when you've been left as much as I have, you still worry sometimes. Dad and I went to visit my friend Chuck. He's the guy I get up early with when we're camping for a morning cup of coffee (he drinks the coffee and I fetch sticks for him to throw). I got to visit him at work and everybody he works with told me how pretty and smart I am. After we left there, Dad and I stopped and got some hamburgers. I had to wait to eat my hamburger because I had to share with Sasha. We picked Sasha up and I split my hamburger with her and we came back home. Mom came home for lunch and threw the stolen tennis ball for me for awhile and babied Sasha for awhile. Sasha felt better without all the fur, but she still gets mad when she gets left at the groomer's so Mom has to baby her for a few days so she won't be mad at Mom anymore - I think Sasha just knows how to make Mom feel guilty. Then I went outside when Mom left and helped Dad with some yard work and then it started to rain so I came in the house and Dad went to work on cleaning the garage. I'm really tired now!
Peanut asked about how I swim in my water dish. I'll try to get Mom to take a picture of me swimming in my OUTSIDE water dish. Mom and Dad get really mad when I do it in the inside water dish. It's the best way to cool off when you don't have a swimming pool. Dad says we can't get a regular swimming pool because I'd be in it all the time and that'd be hard on the filters. I think he just doesn't want to mess with setting it up and taking it down every year. Once the yard grows Mom wants to get me a kiddie pool. If I had one right now then I'd track mud in all the time and she doesn't want that. If anybody has any advice on how to make the grass grow, please let me know ASAP! It's sort of growing in spots, not spots that are much help to me though - like the front yard and along the edges of the deck and walkway.
I better go now, Dad should be coming to let me back out since it stopped raining.
Have a good weekend everybody!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Busy Evening
I LOVE playing with kids! Mom and Dad should get me some!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Learn From A Dog
If a dog were your teacher, you would learn:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
Let other's know when they've invaded your territory.
Take naps. Stretch before rising.
Run, romp and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple grwol will do.
On warm days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
No matter how often you are scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and right back and make friends.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you are not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
And finally, never trust anyone until you sniff their butt.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Happy Tail
Grandma is coming by at lunch so I have to go take a nap so I'm ready when she gets here. Watch out for Happy Tail everybody, well except for those of you that have tails like Peanut.
Monday, March 19, 2007
What A Weekend!
I'm going to go take a much needed long nap now. Hope everybody else had a good weekend!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
My Mom Was Outsmarted By The Cat!
Okay, this morning Mom, Sasha and I were doing our normal sleeping in on a Saturday Dad works and Gunnar was doing his normal bug everybody that's in bed thing he does EVERY morning. He does this thing where he reaches up and smacks the window. During the winter, Mom and Dad keep the blinds down and closed so it makes a lot of noise when the blinds smack against the window and it's EXTREMLY annonying. Well, Mom started keeping the squirt bottle in the bedroom for these times when we want to sleep in and Gunnar is being a major pain in the neck. Mom squirted him once and he ran off, then he came back 2 more times and then he ran off and we thought that was going to be it. Mom had the bottle on the edge of the bed and I was laying at the bottom of the bed and Sasha was up by Mom's chest (between Mom and the squirt bottle). Gunnar jumped up on the bed and sat behind Mom for awhile. We all thought he was going to come up and lay down, too. NOPE! (This is the funny part!!) He jumped over Mom missing Sasha, swung his butt towards the bottle, made sure the bottle hit the floor and then jumped back over Mom and ran off. IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!! HE DID IT ON PURPOSE!!! A few minutes later he came back in slapped the window once just out of spite and then came up on the bed with us for awhile longer. Mom decided right after that, that it was time to get up and get things done. I still can't believe she was outsmarted by the cat. When Dad came home for lunch Mom told him the story and he thought it was pretty funny, too. I think Mom has decided it was, too.
Later, Mom got me. About this time a year and once during the summer, Mom takes her house plants outside and adds dirt to them or replants them if they need it and then gives them a good soaking of water to clean the dust off and soak up their roots real good and then lets them enjoy the sun for a couple hours and then brings them inside. Well, she was almost out of water in the water jug and I was up on the porchminding my own business and she poured water on me! I was surprised at first and kind of mad, but then I realized it was fun water and I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran all over my yard. So much for the bath last weekend! I'm really tired now. When Mom goes out to bring the plants back in in a little while, I'm going to go with her and help again. After she gets the plants in, she'll have to clean the dirt off the deck with WATER!! She said if it wasn't too big of a pain right now, she'd get the hose out. Dad hasn't gotten the hoses out for spring yet though so she'd have to first find them and then try to get them out of their winter storage spot and then try to hook them up and then afterwards, put them away because we're still supposed to be getting snow again pretty soon. She says for now it's easier to just carry buckets out for now. I REALLY like being sprayed with the hose, but, buckets are fun, too. She said she would put water in my outside water dish wo I can put my feet in it. I love this weather!!!!!
I'm going to go take a quick nap now while Mom finishes a few things in the house and then it's back outside! Tomorrow Dad is cleaning out the garage some more which means I get to be outside most of the day tomorrow, too!!! This is a GREAT weekend! Hope everybody else is having a great weekend! OH! and those of you that have cat brothers and sisters, be sure not to tell them about my brother, you wouldn't want to give them any ideas - even though it was really funny to watch!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
I'm All Sorts Of Better!
I'm really hyper today because I'm feeling so much better. I raced Sasha to the back door this morning. Mom said "Holy Cow!" when she saw me running at her. It was hilarious! She didn't expect to see me running at her that fast. She said it was good to see me run again. It FEELS good to run again!!!
Mom should be home pretty soon for lunch and I can't wait to go outside and run again. It's warm outside and the sun is out and I'm full of energy!!!!
Last night Dad joined Mom and I on the couch and I got lots of ear scratching and belly rubs. Sasha even curled up in the the bed Mom put by the fireplace for Gunnar to use. Gunnar's upset I'm feeling better so he hid in the bedroom where he normally does at night. Someone needs to tell that cat how much fun cuddling is - but then I'd have to share Mom and Dad even more so maybe it is okay that he doesn't like to cuddle.
Anyway, have a great weekend everybody! I plan on spending most of it outside. Mom will be home most of tomorrow and Dad will be home most of Sunday so I can spend as much time as I want outside. We got baths last weekend so I've got to try to get this funky coconut smell off of me.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I'm Feeling GOOD!
I'm feeling soooooo much better! This is me this morning. I've been chasing my tail most of the morning and Mom caught me as I was stopping to get undizzy. See how the carpet looks stained off to the right near the blue thing. That's cuz I tried swimming in my water dish. I'm ready for summer!
I want to wrestle REALLY bad! Mom and Dad said I can't wrestle until my tail is up in the correct position. As you can see in this picture, it's not up yet. That's why I've been chasing it all morning. I've been trying to get it back in the correct position. It's still a little sore but most of the swelling has gone down. Dad is off work today so as soon as he gets back from running some errands, I'm going to try to convince him that he should wrestle with me.
I was also given the definate no on going to the vet last night. WOOHOO!!! I'm going to go work on my tail some more before Dad gets back. I can't wait to wrestle!!!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Bed Rest
Mom and Dad said I could sleep in the big bed again, but I decided I'd try my bed. We didn't sleep very good the night before so we needed a good nights sleep. I was able to finally get comfy in my bed and fell right to sleep until the alarm clock went of. I'm feeling even better today. The swelling on my hip is going down and I'm not as sore. Dad said I don't have to go to the vet now since I'm getting better (WOOHOO!!). I still can't play really hard and I'm still eating magic cheese, but I feel tons better! I tried t convince Mom to stay home with me this morning, but she said she couldn't and I should go relax. Mom and Dad are going look at my tail tonight if I will let them touch it to make sure that it's just swolen and not a cyist or anything else bad. It's been too sore to let them touch so hopefully they'll be able to check it out tonight to give a definate no on going to the vet.
I'm going back to the big bed now for some more rest. Thanks everybody for your comments on Dakota. My aunt is doing pretty good, but she says my cousin Bailey misses her playmate a lot.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Bad Bad Very Bad News
Friday, March 09, 2007
Broccoli Is NOT For Dogs!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The Couch
Mom and Dad said it's supposed to be nice weather for the rest of the week and through the weekend. I'm sooooo excited. That means I can be outside more and it also means it's closer to camping time!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR CAMPING!!!!!
WHOA! Mom and Dad will be home from work soon. I better go get ready to tell them how much I've missed them. Four hours and eight hours is a really long time to us dogs!
Monday, March 05, 2007
The Couch Ate My Hothog!
Mom came home for lunch and said there was a postcard for Sasha in the mail. I was jelous until I found out it was from the vet. It's time for Sasha's shots (hehehehe). I had my shots last year so I'm good for awhile. I'm going to have fun teasing Sasha that it's time for her to go to the groomer AND the vet!
I'm off to take a nap now since there's nothing for me to stress about (except for maybe the hotdog eating couch).
Friday, March 02, 2007
Bailey's Home!
Bailey's home, but Dakota and Bruitis are still gone. My aunt says that Bailey is pretty sore and full of cactus, but she's home!!! She's also pretty thin and really really tired. My aunt says that she thinks the other 2 were at the house, too but they left again. Bailey's the good one so she stayed home. (She's also a Momma's Girl BIG time, so she stayed home to wait for her momma.) I'm so happy!!!! Once she's feeling better and she's not so sore and gains some weight back, my aunt said she'd bring her over to play with me. I have a feeling though Bruitis is going to have to go back to the dog adoption place. He's a really bad dog and my aunt is stressing out too everytime he gets loose.
Keep up the puppy vibes for Daokata and Bruitis. Thanks everybody!!!
Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home! Bailey's home!