Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Don't Like New Year's

I decided I don't like New Year's. I wanted to go to bed, but Mom wouldn't let me. Then at midnight she woke me up and said "Okay Kaos you can go to sleep now" and then gave me a new year's kiss. Luckily everybody slept in the next morning. Staying up that late makes me grumpy so I think next year Mom is going to let us all go to bed when we want. I got to spend 4 entire days with Dad home though. He took Monday off so he could have 4 days off in a row. I love having Dad home that many days in a row, but it makes me very tired so I'm kind of glad everybody went back to work today because I'm exhausted. I have some pictures to show you of the torture I had to go through this weekend, You're not going to believe what they did to me and then they tried convincing me it was going to help me. Whatever! I'm going back to the couch now for another nap before Dad gets home. It's really cold outside so I've been cuddled up in the blankets on the couch all day. I love snow, but I hate this really cold all day stuff. The weather guy said we might get snow before the weekend, but then the weekend it should warm up. I might sleep through it all because I'm so tired. It's tough being such a fun dog.


Dandy Duke said...

It's wicked nasty weather here too, Lady Kaos! We're getting zero temps tonight with wind chills of 10 below so no walkies for us, which makes us both very grumpy! We hope it warms up fast!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh I hope you are getting all the beauty sleep you need.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Lady Kaos!
I was allowed to go to sleep very early last monday but then, the fireworks started to bang and woke me up! Then my mom wanted to sleep but I was barking and barking!
Here is very cold too and today I only had a short walkie because my mom was complaining a lot!
I hope you got as much naps as you wanted today!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

The world might be a better place is more people took naps.

Ferndoggle said...

Ugh...we didn't get to sleep till 2:00 in the morning on NYE! Talk about lack of beauty sleep. We were very puffy & grouchy on New Year's Day.

Penny & Lola

The Daily Echo said...

Hi Kaos - Thanks for visiting my Blog! I've added you to my favorites so I'll be stopping by to say hi. Meeka loves when Dad is home for several days too. He mopes when he goes back to work so we're very worried about what he'll do when Dad leaves on his mysterious road trip.