Friday, July 07, 2006


I'm really sleepy today. Mom didn't sleep well last night and she kept all of us awake last night. Gunnar finally went and slept somewhere else because he was so annoyed. I really hope she sleeps better tonight.
The backyard is still bad. I have a bigger area to run around, but I can't do a full perimater check because there are still a few really nasty places in the yard. It didn't rain last night so maybe the yard will be a little dryer so I can go outside more this weekend. I am going to make Mom take the pictures of her artwork this weekend. She's been putting it off too long and I really want to show you guys how cool it is.
I also wanted to thank all of you that are buygin stuff from Mom and Dad's merchandise shop. Keep buying so Dad can get the Big Jeep fixed. He says everything else he has parts for, he just needs transmission stuff now. Dad siad they are going to do the Holy Cross trip in August and I might still get to go even if we can't take the Big Jeep. I hope so, but just in case please help us get the new transmission!! After Mom gets her stuff ready to make prints she'll get more stuff ready for the merchandise, too. I can't wait to show you her stuff! Hopefully Monday she'll have stuff ready to show you!
I'm going to go take a nap now. Dad's off today, but it's no fun to be out with him because of the mud. Mom should be home for lunch pretty soon. Maybe I can make her feel guilty about keeping us awake last night and I'll get a Shmakos!