How was your Easter? Myne was so wonderful it's going to take 2 emails to tell you about it!! I didn't post all last week because I was in a really bad mood. I'm tired of all the painting and other stuff Mom and Dad are doing. I pouted pretty much the entire week and wouldn't listen to Mom and Dad. That got me in some major trouble a few times, but I think Mom and Dad got the point that I'm tired of the neglect!!
Anyway, back to Easter. It started off with all of us sleeping in. I loev sleeping in with Mom and Dad! Gunnar finally had enough and kept coming in and buggin Mom and Dad to come feed him because he was starving to death. Mom didn't believe him. She said something about 20 pounds of cat standing on her bladder. So we got up and Dad started putting stuff away in the laundry room and Mom did her normal morning routine. We went to bed at almost midnight the night before beacause Mom and Dad wanted to finish the laundry room. The paint was still wet so stuff had to wait until the morning to get put away.

So after some breakfast and waiting for what seems like forever (Mom says it was only about 45 minutes) we loaded up in the truck and went to Grandma's house!!!! That first picture I posted was pretty much how I looked the entire time we were at Grandma's. As soon as we walked in the back door - okay, ran in the back door of Grandma's house, I saw the Easter Bunny had been there. I was worrying he got lost because he didn't come to my house. Mom said not to worry because when she was little, the Easter Bunny always went to her Grandma's house instead of her house, too. She said it always confused her, but he always came. She said she got really really worried when her Grandma moved to Arkansas, but the Easter Bunny started coming to her house after that. Anyway, I foudn the first Easter egg and broke it open before Mom could even put her stuff down to get the camera out. You'll see in the second picture, Sasha was a littls slower so Mom got a picture of her finding her egg and opening it.

Next, Grandma put a bag on the floor and said there was more! Grandma is the best!!!!! Sasha put her head in first and ended up with her head stuck in the bag. You see me down in the bottom left corner waiting patiently (actually I was laughing at her). Sasha finally pulled something out of the bag!

It was a stuffie of a purple guy with a bow on his head. The bow started unraveling later and Dad was going to cut the bow off and Sasha started yelling at Dad. Dad left the bow on it's head and everybody just dealt with having to pick up pink string all day.

Next, I stuck my head in the bag. It was stuck for a few seconds, but I got it out. I was too quick for Mom again. There is a setting on her camera that takes a bunch of pictures really fast that she uses when we for rock crawling so she can get really cool pictures of my Jeep and the other rock crawlers doing cool stuff. She said she is going to have to start using that setting when she takes pictures of me. The stuffie I pulled out was yellow and looked like a piece of cake. Grandma and I decided to call him Sponge Bob because I like watching Sponge Bob with Mom and Dad every day at lunch. Sasha and I of course shared the toys. Later, Grandma got us out some chewies that we also shared.

Before lunch was ready, I found the Easter eggs again and there was nothing in them so Grandma refilled the eggs and we did it again! Have I mentioned how great my Grandma is? Once again I was too fast for Mom. In this picture I had opened the egg and had just started chomping on the treat when Mom finally got the picture taken. Grandma figured out I had gone non stop for 4 hours before I finally layed down. When Sasha and I were laying on the floor Mom and Dad decided it was time to go home. I hate leaving Grandma's house, but I was ready to go home, too. We decided to leave the stuffies at Grandma's house so we could play with them there and because if we took them home, they wouldn't last as long. Sasha and I usually run to the truck, but we both walked really slow. We were both exhausted. We went home and Mom and Dad had to go do some shopping (they bought paint for the bedroom and Mom found a really good deal on slacks for work) and Sasha and I slept.
I'll tell you part 2 tomorrow. I'm really tired and just telling you about yesterday is wearing me out. Check back tomorrow for more excitement!
Your Grandma rocks! And we're sure her house doesn't smell like paint so it was good that you got to spend the day with her. Mom warned us they're going to be paining the walls here soon. I don't know what's wrong with them the way they are. We worked real hard to get them this way.
Oh your grandma is so so cool. I am glad you had a good day.
Your grandma is so totally awesome!! I guess she was trying to make it up to you for all the 'neglect' you went through..
Your Grandma sounds awesome. She is very special to have gotten you all those great Easter gifts. Can't wait to hear part 2 of the story.
Rest well!
Hi, Lady Kaos!
Glad to hear that your mom and dad had a rest at least for a while! your Grandma sure is great! Looks like you and Sasha really enjoyed being there with her!
Part # 2, please!
Kisses and hugs
Looks like you had a fun Easter. :)
~ Girl girl
Wow, do you have a nice Grandma! I can't wait to hear about the rest of your Easter!
Play bows,
You have the bestest grandma in the world, Lady Kaos! It looks like your Easter was great fun!
hope your Easter was most egg-cellent!!! sounds like it was :) mom is getting ready to refinish the hardwood floors in our house and i know it's going to STINK!!!
the zoo crew
What a nice grandma you have and what a fun Easter!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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