It's been really cold here, too. You know that song "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas?" Dad has started singing "I'm Dreaming of a Brown & Dry Christmas." The snow is finally starting to melt, but everything is really muddy. Sasha and I have found creative ways to stay warm (see the picture above).
Dad and I have been doing some quail and pheasant hunting. It's been a couple years since we've gone so we're both really happy that we've gotten to go. We're going to do some more after Christmas. I can't wait!!!!
I am really behind on reading everybody's blogs. Mom gets off early 1 day a week (because she has to work really late 1 day) so hopefully this week we'll be able to get caught up with everybody. We'll try to leave some comments when we read your blogs, too so you'll know we came to visit.
Mom needs to go through her 200 emails now so I better let her have the computer back. She signed up for a bunch of email newsletters while she didn't have a job and then she started working and hasn't been reading them very much so her inbox fills up really fast. Crazy lady!!!
If I don't get to post again before Christmas MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Kaos!
Glad to know your mom likes her new job! That is important!
Sure it is not easy for you not having her at home but I know you are happy to see her when she comes from work, right?
Kisses and hugs
Glad to see your mom is out from under your paws again!
My mom is thrilled fur her -
It will soon be time fur my mom to realise she needs to do the same thing -
We've missed woo but we so understand priorities -
PAWESOME news that your Mom found a job with good people that she likes. That is so important! Good to see you guys!
How awesome to hear that your mom is a working lady again and that she likes her new job!
Thanks for updating, Kaos!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
New work is good and bad, huh.
Now you have my momma singing the brown and dry song too. What's up with that?
We are so behind in visiting. We are so happy mom likes her job(sucks for you to have her gone, but treat money!)
We have BEEN singing warm,dry and brown and we live in Texas for gosh sake. It Snowed. Here. Dec 1. NOT RIGHT. Mom ordered long handles(long johns) Tooooo cold, tooooo wet.
We miss y'all. Merry Christmas to all of you.
Sunny,Scooter,Shamus(the new pesty brother...geeeez) and Jamie
Glad to hear your mom has a new job that she likes!
I hope you have a merry and bright Christmas!
Hello Lady Kaos!
We have been missing too, it has taken ages and ages to catch up with everyone.
We are about ten blogs into our list!!!!!
Glad all is well with you and yours, wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year (oooops is that the wrong way around there!?) never mind, both are good wishes for youse all.
We have snow here, lots of it, plus minus 9 degrees tonight.
Lovely, a White Christmas is in store for us we think.
lotsaluv Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxx
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kaos!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Good to hear from you again. Glad that Mom got a job and she likes it. Stay warm.
Hi Kaos,
We heard about your mom's new job and are SO very happy for her cos no one deserves it more than she does!! (Psst.. good that your mom's got a job now so that she can keep supplying you with treats and new toys!!)..
Hope you had a good holiday and have a happy 2010. Is it too late to say that? My mom has been busy too and we don't blog much lately. I'm glad your mom found a job she likes. At least she comes home happy.
YEA for your mom getting a new job that she likes with nice people to work with!
Are you ready for spring?
Just thought we would drop by and say hi, and are y'all doing ok?
Hey, Kaos!
How are you? We haven't heard from you in almost a year!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Great story, it is very entertaining...I like your blog and all your blog post...Nice dog too...^_^
dog pens
Thanks for sharing. We like your blog a lot.
Kaos, we are happy to see that you are doing great. Your mom is working very hard and we know she will help you out with your blogging when she's free. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
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