Monday, March 30, 2009

I Love Little Boys!

Hi everybody! How was your weekend? We didn't do much this weekend because it was too cold. We had a big snow last week and it took all weekend for it to melt. I think Mother Nature is confused because she always melted the snow really fast in the winter and now she's taking he time and it's spring!
Okay, now about the title. I'm sure you all remember when my human cousins visited us for Thanksgiving and how much I loved my 2 year old boy cousin, well my Aunt Gillian brought me an almost 2 year old little boy to play with last week for a little while. She needed my mom to help her with something and she was watching her friend's son. They had just come from lunch so he had ketchup on his face and crumbs on his shirt still!!!! He loves to play ball so after Mom and Aunt Gillian explained how to throw the ball for me, we had tons of fun. I was really gentle with him and didn't make him reach into my mouth and yank the ball out of my mouth like I make Mom do. Our favorite game was for me to have the ball in my mouth and run around the living room and play keep-a-way. Mom and Aunt Gillian didn't get much done because they were laughing at us too hard. The little boy would laugh really really really hard while we were running around the living room and his laugh made Mom and Aunt Gillian laugh really really really hard. I was bummed when Aunt Gillian took the little boy back to her house for a much needed nap. I told them to come back any time. Mom didn't take any pictures because she was busy laughing and for some reason didn't think to pull it out until after they left! Crazy woman!!
I better let Mom have the computer back now so she can do her unemployment claim. This is the first time she has to get on and answer the questions so they will send her a check so she's really nervous. Mom says the people at the unemployment office like to make things confusing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not Much Going On

Hi everybody! Not much is going on here. It's too windy to go outside and play and Mom has been busy working on the computer looking for a job and working on her resume. Today she filled out an application for a job that she's pretty sure she's overqualified for but it pays what she was making at her old job which proved her feeling that she was under paid at her last job. Mom says filling out applications and working on her resume is hard because she hasn't had to do it very often. The last job she had for almost 7 years and the job before that she had for 9 years!

Mom says next time we go on a walk, she'll try to get our picture. It's been way too windy for a walk though. Mom says if we go for a walk the last 2 days we might end up at the Army of 4 Headquarters. That wouldn't be a bad thing, but not a very good way to travel.

Since we don't have any walking photos, here are some photos of us being cute. Gunnar is hiding because Mom got the vacuum out this morning so he didn't get his picture taken. I'm off to watch the weather channel now. Mom and I have a lot of flower seed to plant and the yard needs watered again, but it's too windy and cold to do either. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be more cooperative.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Still No Pictures

Hey everyone!! Mom is working on getting some walking pictures. She said it's hard because I like to go in the opposite direction - or some lame excuse like that. She says hopefully next week she will be ready to try for pictures. She kind of knows the streets we "behave" on and the streets we like to try to twist our leashes together. Mom says if we had another dog along with us, we would have a perfect brade going with our leashes.
We keep Mom pretty busy when she's not off having lunch with friends or reading the confusing unemployment book. She got more information today an has been sitting at the computer all afternoon complaining about government agencies making things confusing. Tomorrow and Sunday Mom and Dad are going to be busy away from the house and I'm kind of glad. I'm exhausted! It will be nice to catch up on our sleep. Speaking of sleeping! Some of you were worried about us getting sunburned napping out in the sun. Don't worry. Mom keeps an eye on us and Sasha has to wear baby sunscreen on her belly since she just got groomed and she really likes to have the sun on her belly.
We have been able to chase the birds out of our back yard a lot more since Mom has been home. It's a lot of fun and has to be done a bunch of times a day. Mom tried getting pictures of us and the birds, but I guess the birds are a little camera shy because they left before the camera took the picture.
Mom wants back on the computer now to check her email (probably to see if any more of her friends want to go to lunch next week) so I'm going to go take another nap.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thank You Everybody!!!

Thank you for all the nice comments for Mom. She really appreciated them. It was kind of hard the first couple of days, but now Mom is okay. She actually is happier since she doesn't have to go to work everyday where they treated her really bad. her stomach doesn't bother her and she says if it wasn't for me coming and laying on top of her, it'd be a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning. We have a lot of new friends to go visit since our wonderful friends Huskee & Hershey sent so many of you to come visit us. We will be coming around to thank all of you soon!
Having Mom home is great, unless she starts the washing machine or the vacuum. Here are some pictures of what we've been doing:
Lots and lots of fetch. Playing fetch always makes me feel better so I know it must make Mom feel better, too.

Giving Mom big brown puppy eyes to get her to do whatever we want her to.
Sunbathing as much as we want. Since Mom is home, that means we can stay outside as much as we want to.

We're also going for walks every day, but there are no pictures of that because Mom says she can't control 2 wild dogs and a camera at the same time. Maybe once we get better about not dragging Mom around the neighborhood to see all the neighbor dogs.
I know Mom is worried about paying bills so Sasha and I cuddle with her and give her lots of hugs and kisses to make her not worry so much. Mom acts totally different now. She's happier and not so moody and way more relaxed. She really believes that there was a good reason she lost her job and she's going to find something way better and where she'll be treated way better.
Thanks again for everybody's nice comments. We promise to come visit all our new friends really soon!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hey everybody, this is a quick post just to let you know what is going on. Mom and I will be doing a lot of work on my blog and on all our other websites starting next week because she got laid off from her job yesterday. Mom is doing okay, she's more sad than upset. The realestate agents she worked with have been really nice and supportive and are taking care of the anger part. I'm taking very good care of Mom. Even Gunnar who is not a lovey kitty is loving on Mom and making her feel better. She more in shock than anything right now. She filed for unemplyment this morning so she said in about 4-6 weeks she will get paid to stay home with us. That'll be cool! Next week look for lots more posts from me and maybe some redesigning of my blog.
Have a great weekend everybody!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Advice To ALL Parents!!

I'm going to make this a quick post because I'm recovering from the morning madness and need to take a long nap. Mom says she will share the pupcake recipe with all of you soon. More people in her office are having their hours cut which puts more and more work on Mom and when she comes home she doesn't even want to look at a computer.
Okay, here's the advice for you parents:
Dear parents of all my friends,
If you are going to take one of your furkids to somewhere like the GROOMER and leave that furkid there while the other ones are at home worrying, LET THE ONES STAYING AT HOME KNOW WAY AHEAD OF TIME!!!!! Mom took Sasha to the groomer this morning and at first I was upset that she was going somewhere and I had to stay home, but then when Mom came back home without Sasha, I started worrying. I'm very protective on my siblings and was going crazy! At first I thought Mom locked her in the garage and Mom kept trying to calm me down and it wasn't working and then she said she had to go to work and I wanted to go search the garage for Sasha and Mom wouldn't let me and she kept telling em everythign was okay, BUT IT WASN'T!!!! I looked for Sasha all over the house just in case. Finally Dad showed up a couple hours later with Sasha! Well, at first I thought it was a different dog because she has so much less hair (we'll share before and after pictures later). I gave her a complete sniffing several times just to make sure it was really her.
Thanks you.
Phew, I'm exhausted from all that worrying!
Gunnar also has a special message for everybody, but he's too lasy to leave his couch to come type it himself. He would like to remind everybody that this Sunday is Start Feeding Your Pets An Hour Early Day! It's Gunnar's favorite holiday. Mom says it's not a holiday, but Gunnar doesn't care. He loves that he gets fed an entire hour early. Mom has issues with this time change, but now since she goes into work late, it won't be that big of a deal anymore.
I'm trying to get caught up on everybody's blogs so I better get back to work on that. Have a great weekend everybody!