Hi Everybody!! It's ME!!! I hope you all remember me! Mom has been kind of down lately so I've been busy trying to cheer her up. It's been a lot of work lately. She finally had a job interview last week and found out there were 48 people that applied for the job and he chose 10 people to interview. She got a letter in the mail yesterday saying she didn't get the job. She really didn't want the job anyway, but it was hard on her self-esteem anyway. It did encourage her to get her business going that she wants to do. I'll do a post about it soon. She's applied for like a million jobs and has only had 1 interview. She ran out of her regular unemployment money and had to do the extension which freaked her out a little, too.
There is another reason Mom has been down. Mom bought her car in 2002. It was a used car, but it was a 2002 so she was feeling pretty special about buying a car she could afford in the same year the car was. She has taken really good care of her car. When the bumper got messed up, Sasha had to comfort her for weeks until it got fixed (that was before I joined the family). When Mom and Sasha adopted Dad, Dad started helping Mom take care of her car. Mom and Dad use it a lot when they have to go on road trips that don't involve pulling the boat or going off road because it gets really really good gas mileage. It's the first car Mom has owned that hasn't stranded her on the side of the road. It has locked her in a few times (we found out that's a
Kia Rio thing in the design of the door), but luckily she doesn't have power locks and windows so she's able to mess with it to let her out. If it was power locks, she'd have to drive to Pueblo to the nearest
Kia dealership (about 45 minutes away) and call them from the parking lot to have them come and let her out. That would suck!
Tuesday Mom and Dad went to Denver for a thing for Dad's work and on the way up a cement truck threw a rock and chipped the windshield. Dad
reassured Mom that he would call
around the next day to get the chip repaired and it would be fine. BUT, a couple minutes later it started to crack because of the ruff highway roads. Mom said it was horrible listening to the popping
every time the windshield cracked. It kept getting worse all day long. Dad was able to reroute the cracks when they got home so it wouldn't crack in Mom's line of sight which made the windshield look really horrible. Mom said she felt like crying because this was also the first car she has ever owned that didn't have a cracked windshield. When my Aunt Gillian took her driver's test when she turned 16, she had to use Mom's car because it was the only vehicle in the family that didn't have a cracked windshield and now it looks really bad. Mom might be asking Santa for a new windshield this year. Luckily, Dad has connections in everything that has to do with vehicles pretty much so he'll try to find Santa a really good deal on one. Until then, Mom hates going out to the garage or getting in her car.
Now about the package! The same day she got the letter saying she didn't get the job, there was also a package from our buddies
Huskee, Hershey and their Mom. The package also came on the same day Mom finally got in her car and on the way home
found yet another crack in her poor
windshield! Great timing on the package you guys!! Your Mom has great timing on her trips to the post office - unlike my mom! We're not sure when Mom will leave the house again
because of her windshield - I hope it's soon though
cuz we're almost out of
dog food!!!!! Anyway, here's the cool package and our reactions!

The Happy Birthday card is for Mom. Her birthday is next week - exactly a week after we got the package! There's also a couple Halloween decorations and that really pretty shawl. But most
important are those 3 bags on the left side there!!!
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Salmon treats!!!!!
Don't make me do anything cute for a treat! I'm the Princess Puppy, remember?
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze can we have another Salmon treat? What about the chicken treats? I'm sure Huskee and Hershey meant to put instructions in the package saying we had to have both bags ASAP!
If you give us one of those chicken treats, it will cover up our Salmon breathe that you say we have now.
Finally!!!!! Hurry up and open those chicken treats!!!!!
Sasha was too quick for the camera. She ran and hid under the table before Mom could get a good picture of her eating the Chicken treat.
Gunnar got some treats!!! Mom would like to thank Huskee, Hershey & their mom for not sending fish treats. Gunnar is forbidden to eat fish. That's all I'm going to say on that stinky subject!
You say these treats are from some of those dog friends Kaos is always talking about? You expect me to trust treats that come from dogs? It does smell really good though. Give one to the dogs first and when they don't pass out, I'll try one.Sasha and I tried one of the cat treats so Gunnar would trust them. Those were pretty good too! Gunnar ate one so we're assuming that means he liked it, too. He doesn't get too excited about stuff very often.
Thanks again
Huskee, Hershey and Shane!!!!!!!!! You guys are
PAWESOME!!!!!!!!!! We love you very very very very much!!!!!!
It's trash day and our trash man hasn't come yet so I better go sit at the patio door until he shows up so I can yell at him for being so late!! I might have to call his boss about this!
Have a great weekend everybody!!!!