Tuesday, July 29, 2008

?? Days Left

Hey everyone! It's really crazy at our houses! There's been another set back in selling the old house. Momand Dad aren't in very good moods because of it. The appraiser guy said there's still too much paint coming off the house to pass the FHA inspection. So Mom and Dad had to hire someone to come work on it so we can still try to close this Thursday. They tried sandblasting the paint off and guess what! The yellow paint is on too good!!! Yeah, that's right, it's not on good enough for the appraisor, but it's on too good for a sandblaster! How in the world does that work? The guys started scraping on it today and will hopefully be able to paint tomorrow. Dad is going to go tape off the windows for them tonight so they can just come and paint and be done with it.
We moved to Grandma's on Saturday. If Mom would stop getting tension headaches from the stress she would be feeling better. She's not allowed to even drive by the old house while they're finishing stuff up, that way she's healthy for the move that will hopefully be this weekend. It's fun staying at Grandma's but we're ready to be in our new house. Gunnar didn't like the move at all. He spent most of Saturday afternoon hiding in our room, then Sunday he came out a few times and then yesterday and today he's okay with wandering around Grandma's, but he gets sppoked really easy. Grandma isn't really used to be around cats this much either and never really liked cats before. Gunnar is getting blamed for all the pet hair (even though a lot of it is my hair) and some other stuff then yesterday I think Gunnar had enough and took his frustration out on Grandma's couch. Gunnar never scratches at furniture so we were all surprised. Mom hasn't trimmed his nails in awhile because she didn't want to upset him during the move stuff and because seh forgot. She used to know he needed his nails trimmed when he got stuck to the carpet, but we haven't had carpet for so long, he hasn't gotten stuck. Well, he's gotten stuck to the carpet a few times and got stuck to Grandma's couch. Mom gve him a lecture and told him to be good for a few more days and then he can be a butthead after we get into our house. She told him she can't worry about him and the houses at the same time because her stomache and head can't take it. He finally started eating normal last night and drinking and going ot the litter box. Mom was really afraid he was going to end up with another bladder infection and she really couldn't handle that. I'm noticing Mom doesn't handle large amounts of stress very well, especially when it comes to us and our health. I told Gunnar I promised not to pick on him the rest of this week and a few days after we move to the new house if he promises to stop making Mom worry. He said okay, but I've learned to never ever ever completly trust a cat!! They're sneaky...and have sharp claws....and sharp teeth....and really good at getting sympathy from Mom!!! This is the first time Gunnar has ever moved and we foudn out he doesn't like it very well for the first couple days and then he's fine. He was actually really lovey and cuddley with Mom and Dad until he got brave.
So hopefully we will get to close on Thursday still and that means 2 more days!! But we won't know until tomorrow afternoon. I don't know if I'll be able to post tomorrow in time to let you know so if you don't hear anything from me on Wednesday or Thursday that means we are moving and it's all good. If you see a post from me or comments on your blogs on Thursday, that isn't good news. Keep your paws crossed I either have good information tomorrow for you or you don't hear from me until Monday! I'll try to post what we know tomorrow.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You need to keep taking care of everyone so that mom doesn't stress. That isn't good for her... Soon everything will be back to normal..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lacy said...

w00f's lady Kaos and all, good luck on ur move, will keep me paws crossed its good news. and Gunnar, b good kitty, ok??

b safe,

Peanut said...

Your mom needs some happy pills. that would help. :) Good luck on it all. We hope not to hear from you until Monday


Asta said...

Oh My Dog
This is stwessful..You and youw Mom bettew do some Doga..
Stoopid appwaisal people!

I hope it all goes well and you can put this behind you , and Gunnaw can welax, and youw mom can get wid of hew headaches
smoochie calming kisses

Deefor said...

I really hope everything settles and works out fine soon. Moving and a new house is a lot of worries. I was pretty scared when I first came here. Me and Arrow will keep out paws crossed for you.


Dandy Duke said...

Our paws are crossed that everything goes fine for you, Kaos! You all deserve to be happy in your new home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kaos!
This is the first time I will be happy if I don't hear from you until Monday!
Good luck. Tell your mom to take it easy, please!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

Pretty soon it will all be a memory and you will be running around your new yard.

Petra said...

My mom would have a hard time handling all of this stress, too, Kaos.

I'll be watching for your post on MONDAY, after this is all over.

Hang in there!

Myeo said...

Moving IS stressful... we still remember the stress when we moved last October.

Give your mom lots of nose licks. She will feel better.

Boy n Baby