Monday, July 21, 2008

New House Count Down: 10 Days To Go

Hey everyone!! It's been crazy at my house. Mom's special event for work was over on Saturday and boy is she in a better mood! She can totally focuss on the house stuff now. We had to paint the old house on Sunday. I'll tell you about that once Mom gets a picture of it and explain why we had to paint it and what happened to my poor Mom. I'm going to try to give you guys a count down on days until we get our new house. This weekend I won't be doing a countdown because we're moving to Grandma's and then the next weekend we're moving to our new house! I can't wait! I've been wanting to list the cool details and features of our new house, but I want pictures to go along with it so it will have to wait until we can get in the new house. Mom has the entire kitchen organized in her head - sorta. There's 3 times the number of cabinets we have right now so she's kind of worried about havng empty cabinets. I told her she could fill teh empty cabinets with dog treats! her response was "OR more cool cooking gadgets from Pampered Chef and some other cool cooking gadget places!!!" That back fired!!! We're very excited here!
mom and Dad will be home soon so I better go watch for them. I have to make sure Mom doesn't start scratching. (You'll understand that once I explain the painting thing.)


Lacy said...

w00f's Lady Kaos, wow, u shure has been busy...cant wait till u show the picturs, heehee give us the grand tour...

b safe,

Peanut said...

what did your mom do? I bet your house is just in an uproar. Can't wait to see all the pictures.


Unknown said...

10 more days.. that is coming up really fast. I can't wait to see your new house and this giant yard I hear you are getting.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kaos!
Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!
You all have my moral support with the moving thing!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

This is getting very exciting. Pictures, please!

Asta said...

This is vewy exciting..I bet it will be faboolous!!!
Mommi is a paintew(the awty kind), and she gets paint all ovew hew hands all the time, and then has to scwatch it off...hawd on many-cuwes, hehehe
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

This is so exciting, Kaos! We can't wait to see pictures!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said...

How can you stand all of this excitmenet, Kaos?!

I want to see pictures, too!