Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Go Visit Mona & The Mommy!!

This is one of those moments that DWB members are so good at - supporting each other. For those of you that know Mona & The Mommy, you need to hurry over to their blog and send them some hugs and good vibes if you haven't already. Their good friend Jody went to the Rainbow Bridge and Mona and The Mommy need our support. If you don't know Mona & The Mommy, trust me, they have the biggest hearts ever and would definately do the same for you even if they didn't know you. We didn't personally know Jody, but we know he meant a lot to Mona and the Mommy and Mona and the Mommy mean a lot to us so we are very sad and are leaking a little, too.
Thank you!

After you go visit Mona and the Mommy I need you to keep your paws crossed for my sister Sasha. Two nights ago she kept dragging her butt on the floor and licking it a lot. Mom and Dad picked her up and looked her over to see what was wrong and she had a really bad sore on her butt. Dad cleaned her butt off a little and Mom attempted to hold on to Sasha. Mom says it's easier to hold onto me in a situation like that than it is to hold onto Sasha. After we moved, Mom can't find the stuff they put in the cheese to make it Magic Cheese that makes us feel better when we hurt so Mom asked Grandma to get some for Sasha. Yesterday morning Sasha didn't even come say bye to Mom before she left for work so Mom said if she wasn't feeling better soon she was going to call the v-e-t. The V-word seems to have had some healing powers because when Mom and Dad came home for lunch Sasha was running around and then when they came home from work she was being crazy with me. There's still a sore on her butt but it doesn't look as bad. Cross your paws that it gets better because Mom doesn't do so well when she has to take one of us to the v-e-t when we're sick (she seems okay when we have to go get shots though - what's up with that???) and Mom has a doctor's appointment next week (no worries, just a yearly check-up). Mom doesn't do good in doctor's offices, even the vet. Dad has to drive her to the appointments and go in with her and then after the appointment, he has to tell Mom what happened because Mom is focussing on not passing out. She's okay with needles and stuff like that, she just doesn't like doctors and has trust issues with them after she had a bad one. If Mom has to take Sasha to the v-e-t and then go to her appointment next week, she may end up in a corner, rocking back and forth, sucking her thumb and babbling and I don't want to see that again!!
Okay, now go visit Mona & The Mommy!


Myeo said...

We are glad to hear that Shasha is better now. And we hope that your mom's check up will be okay.

We are heading to Mona's blog.

Boy n Baby

The Daily Echo said...

We hope Sasha is okay. Moms worry alot - I know this. Mom says it's her job. We're on our way over to Mona's blog now.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Sorry we haven't been commenting much-if you have been keeping us with us, well, you know why.
We will keep paws crossed for Sasha that she continues to be better. And we visited Mona and the mommy.
We did read all your other posts to catch up, hopefully, mom has the "situation" with the puter figured out......
Hugs&Hi 5s

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

"keeping uP with us" ooops

Silka said...

Thanks for the advice Kaos, are you sure I can't trust her? She seems so little and cute and innocent. I'm sorry Sasha's having troubles, hopefully it will all disappear and your mom won't have to endure the vet.

Gosh I've missed you guys, I can't wait to get my computer back!

Joe Stains said...

We will head on over...

Joe Stains said...

Healing vibes to Sasha too.

Lindsay said...

We're thinking healing thoughts about Sasha's butt. (The Girl just told me that we can't write that, but that's what I'm doing, so that's what she's writing. The Girl says sorry to your Mom for my choice of words. I don't understand why it's a bad choice of words, it's what we're doing!)

ANYway, we hope Sasha's sore goes away on it's own, and soon.

We've been to Mona and the Mommy's already, to leave whatever comfort we can.

Kaos, tell your mom that The Girl is really bad with doctors, too. She wants your mom to know she's thinking about her, too.

Brown dog kisses,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kaos!
I went to visit Mona and her Mommy yesterday. It is very sad to know about Jody.
Paws crossed for Sasha... and for your Mom too!
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

w00f's lady K, me went to c Mona and mommy last nite...its sooo sad...and me shure hope Sasha will b ok...will cross my paws and mama will keep mona and mommy, sasha and ur mama in her prayers..

b safe,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. WE'll go over to visit Mona now

~ Girl girl & Bae

Dandy Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for Sasha, Kaos!
We're so sad for Mona and her mommy. We hate it when one of our good friends hurts.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

We will head over to Mona's in a minute.
Foley chewed his hair off on his flank exposing his skin. Grammie kept it clean and but bag balm on it. The hair is starting to grow back. He also got an extra de-flea. I don't know if that would help Sasha or not. Maybe she needed a good poo.

Peanut said...

Did her butt glands exploded like wally's sister? We will head over to mona and the mommy. We love them
But not as much as I love you
