Friday, August 29, 2008

Some Very Sad News

Hi everybody. I'm very sad today. Mom forgot to check her email yesterday which is very weird for her, but she checked it this morning and we found out my cousin Bailey went to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday morning. My Mom and Aunt Gillian haven't been talking much lately (more of Mom's family drama crap) so that's why she didn't call Mom. My aunt said it was severe and fast liver failure and the vet told her they could try to treat it, but it was really really bad. My aunt decided not to have her treated and she died a couple days later which meant even if they had started the treatments, they probably wouldn't have worked because she was so sick.

I haven't seen Bailey in a long time because she was busy moving, then she was pregnant and had the puppies and then my aunt was having issues my mom didn't want to get involved in. I loved Bailey lots. We all did, even Gunnar who won't ever admit it. She was tons of fun to play and wrestle with. I know my Aunt has to be having a really hard time with this because her and Bailey were so close. Mom and I were trying to figure out how old Bailey was and we think she was around 2, maybe almost 3.

Run free sweet Bailey! I'll see you again some day and we can continue our wrestle games.

Mom, Dad and Grandma have a 3 day weekend this weekend so I'll be busy helping them with more house stuff and some relaxing. Happy Labor Day to everybody that gets to celebrate it and stay safe!!! I promise to have some fun stuff to post next week, I'm just too sad today. I also heard we lost another DWB member. I didn't knwo T-Man, but he sounded like a cool poodle.


Peanut said...

Oh I am sorry to hear about Bailey. She sounds like a good dog.
I hope your weekend is great.


Deefor said...

Sorry to hear such sad news about your pal Bailey. She sounds like she was very sick.


Petra said...

I'm sad, too, to hear about Bailey leaving us and going to Rainbow Bridge.

I hope your weekend is a great one, Kaos. It's the last holiday for awhile, so enjoy!

Lacy said...

w00f's lady kaos, me iz sooo sorry bout ur Bailey...she looked like a fun doggy to me...mayb her and angel lacylulu can play together at the bridge...

b safe,

The Daily Echo said...

We're very sorry to hear about Bailey. She's frolicking with all the angels now.

BenTheRotti said...

So sorry to hear about Bailey, sending you lots of rotti smooches and snuggles.

Ben xxx

Run free at the bridge sweet Bailey.

Unknown said...

Run Free Baily

Joe Stains said...

That is two doggies we have lost to the rainbow bridge and our hearts are heavy. we are thinking of your pal Bailey and glad she is free over the Rainbow bridge.

Moco said...

We are sorry to hear about Bailey. It is always sad to lose a family member.
Get that house into shape. Keep them working all weekend.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Sorry about your friend. Hope y'all hav a good,safe Labor Day holiday

Sunny & Scooter
we added you to our blogroll. Hope that's ok

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no.. I'm so sorry about dear Bailey, she look like a really sweet doggie..

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

We're so sorry to hear about Bailey, Kaos! Losing a friend is never easy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin but think of all the cool dogs she's hanging out with at the bridge. I'm backs home & me and the Dachsies had a wonderful time and will have lots of pictures to share. I know you asked them for directions on how to handle them cowdogs. I saw lots of cow dog and so ya gotto come over tomorrow & check some of them out.


The Zoo Crew said...

So sorry to hear about your cousin. RIP dear Bailey!

Our cousin, Judge, just went to the rainbow bridge as well...I'm sure he and Bailey are running free together!
