Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What A Weekend!!

Hey everyone! This is going ot be avery short post. I haven't visited all your blogs in a week so I need to get caught up on those and then I need to spend the rest of today sleeping. Hopefully our internet connection is going to behave long enough for me to check in with everyone. You've all beeen very busy lately so this is going to take awhile.
Did you guys here about the tonado in Colorado? Luckily it was far away from us, but Dad has a cousin that lives right where the tornado was! Grandma tried calling her but there was no cellphone towers or landlines so Grandma emailed someone else who lives there (Mom and I aren't sure who the lady is and we keep forgetting to ask Dad) and they said the cousin was okay and only had a broken window. In the news they said there was a daycare with 30 kids that got hit but before the tornado hit the building, they rushed the kids across the street to a bank and put them in a vault for protection. The tornado was HUGE!! Mom used to live where Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas all meet and luckily she never saw any tornados but she heard sotries about when her parents were little and one went down Main Street and through a bunch of neighborhoods. Luckily when Mom was living there, there weren't any in town. There were lots of warnings and watches and she spent a lot of time in the basement of her house. Luckily it doesn't sound like there were too many people badly hurt in the tornado Friday, but we heard in the news that there were other big tornados all over the country. That means tornado and fire season started early this year which is very bad.
I will tell you about this weekend tnow. Friday night I stayed up late with Mom and Dad pulling up the carpet in the living room and doing yard sale stuff in the garage. Mom and Dad only pulled up the carpet, no the staples and the strip thing around the walls that hold the carpet in place. That turned out to be a bad idea, but it was late and they had to get up early and Dad wanted to make sure the wood floors were okay in front of the fireplace. Saturday morning Dad and I went outside and started setting up the yard sale. I was having fun running around the driveway and in and out of the garage and back yard. Mom and Dad don't let Sasha do that because she isn't as behaved as I am. I'm really smart and know that if I behave, I am rewarded in wonderful ways. I had to go in the yard when a binch of people started coming to the sale though because I kept wanting to follow them to their cars. I just wanted to help them and make sure they got back to their cars okay, but Mom didn't see it that way. We went inside after awhile and Grandma came in to check on us and all of a sudden Sasha started crying and crying and crying. Mom came running into the house and realized later that she had left the money sitting out in the driveway unguearded. Woops! We think Sasha stepped on one of the strips or a staple in the exciteemnt of Grandma coming to check on us. Mom said Sasha gave her and Grandma a heart attack and to go take a nap. Of course we couldn't! Mom and Dad kept letting people in our yard. We had to make sure nothing bad happened. I decided I don't like yard sales.
Mom and Grandma went to get hamburgers for lunch and of course Mom is a slob and kept dropping french fries on the ground and I came outside later and cleaned them up for her. She said thank you very much. After the yard sale Mom and Dad finished the floor. I decided I hate our hosue now. There is nowhere to scratch my butt! Sasha and I like to drag out itchy butts on the carpet. There's no carpet in our house now and a hardwood floor does not work! Dad told me if I scratched my butt in the bed or couch I was in major trouble. Luckily Grandma has carpet at her house and when people come to look at our house to see if they want to buy it, Sasha and I have to go to Grandma's house. I hope there's a showing soon. My butt is very itchy!!! Dad said our new house will have carpet. Thank doGness!!!! We stayed up late working on house stuff again and then Sunday Grandma brought us the fried chicken and potato salad and helped us witht he house a little. Grandma sat down on the couch for awhile to take a break and Mom warned her that if I got up and cuddled with her, she was going to take a nap. Mom says I'm the bestest at naps and anytime I curl up with her on the couch, she falls asleep and sure enough. Grandma and I took a short nap. For dinner Dad bbq-ed hotdogs and Mom made a pasta salad and we had some of the potato salad and of course some chips. Memorial weekend is all about remembering lost love ones and bbqs. We did lots of both!!
Monday we slept in which confused Gunnar. Then Mom and Dad made the house look all different. All the construction stuff is gone and everything is shiney and sprarkles. I don't like it. Gunnar and I keep getting brushed so we won't shed all over the floors so bad. I really don't like that. Since Mom works for a real estate office she is in charge of getting the people to come look at our house now. She isn't an agent, but she is in charge of the marketing for her office. She says it will be fun getting paid to sell her own house. (She thinks lots of weird things are funny - she's a weirdo). Mom and Dad took some boxes to the storage unit and then we sat and watched tv. Hopefully we'll be able to relax more. I didn't get to take very many naps during this long weekend so I'm planning on getting caught up over the next few days. I hope we get to go to Grandma's house soon! I hope someone buys our house so we can get a new house with carpet and a dishwasher for Mom soon!!!
I'm going to go read more of your blogs now and then take a nap. Mom was going to take pictures of our house at lunch today, but it's really cloudy so she might wiat until tomorrow now. Those pictures will be my Artsy Fartsy Friday for this week and will probably take a couple of days to share with you.


Ferndoggle said...

Those tornados are sooooo scary. We're lucky that they are very rare in Pittsburgh.

Did you say hot dog????


Duke said...

Butchy and Snickers had a tornado close to them and so did Ike! They're sure scary!
That must have hurt to step on a carpet staple! We sure hope Sasha's foot is okay!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We have no carpet in our house but Mom is happy with that.. Louie just drags his bumm on the concrete.. hehe he is such a goof ball..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Peanut said...

Oh man that is a lot of stuff going on. I like french fries. Oh I got your package Peanut is making me wait until Friday to post about it. Mom is still lazy and hasn't sent yours. I am thinking of biting her for her laziness.


The Daily Echo said...

Your house destruction is making me very tired.....I need a nap!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kaos!
You had another interesting weekend!
No carpet?? Not fun at all!
I hope Sasha's foot is doing well!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

We hope your Mom and Dad made a lot of cash on their garage sale. Grammie loves garage sales. She gets all our stuffies at them. We are looking forward to seeing the pictures of your house. Pappy is a real estate agent. He's only been doing it for about a year. This is his post retirement job.

Asta said...

Well you suwe have been busy..I hope you get to sell youw house soon so you can scwatch all you want.but the BBQ's and wemembewing awe nice..we didn't do anything, cause Daddi was sick the whole time..Mommi is supew stwessed out between Auntie Kawen's loss and now Daddi ..I hope thinkgs get bettew soon
I hope sasha is OK and that you get some much needed west
smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Kaos, the tornados are really scary...Hope to see pictures of you soon

~ Girl girl

Myeo said...

The tornado sounds awful :(

You guys are funny about the butt scratching part.

Boy n Baby