Friday, March 14, 2008

Thank you for all the kind works about Blue Dude. Here is the only picture I could find of him and I together.

Mom says a little boy gave him to Sasha before I was adopted. She said he was the toy in his McDonald's Happy Meal. I'm still sad that he's gone, but last night Mom didn't work on the house at all. She layed on the couch, watched tv and threw what ever toy I brought to her. She had a tummy ache and a head ache. She feels better today, but Dad thinks the chemical smells are messing with Mom. Dad grouted the tile on the counters last night plus there's the smell of paint, tile adhesive and the silicone stuff they put around the tile where it meets the wall. Sometimes when Mom is doing a major cleaning of the house, the cleaner smells get to her so that's why Dad thinks all the smells are making mom sick. I think they're going to kick it into high gear now to get it done faster. I'll be glad when it's done.
Here is a picture of me and Hamster-Mouse. Dad pulled him out of the dryer last night and I let Sasha play with him for awhile since technically Grandma bought him for Sasha for Christmas, but I took him to bed with me and haven't put him down since (except when I go outside). He's not as much fun as Blue Dude, but he's okay. You really can't see him well because of the flash, but he's supposed to be a mouse, but Mom thinks he looks more like a hamster with the white and brown (that you can't see very well). I really don't think he looks like either, but if that's what Mom wants to call him, then I guess that's okay.
Since Dad has been working on the tile countertops, the sink had to go. We haven't had a sink in a few days. Hopefully either tonight or tomorrow morning the sink will be back where it belongs. Last night Dad needed a place to put the bucket to dry and we're pretty much out of places to stack stuff so look what he did!
It makes it look like we now have a bucket for a sink!! Mom said she had to take a picture of it because it was so funny.

It's pouring rain right now which means we can't go outside and play in the yard with Mom like she said tomorrow. That's okay though because Mom and Dad don't know it yet, but Grandma is coming to visit Sasha and I this weekend. Grandma told me to keep it a secret. I know Mom's too busy at work today to check my blog so it's okay to post it now. Grandma is coming to make sure we're okay. Boy is Dad going to get it when I tell Grandma about Blue Dude.
Have a great weekend everybody!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That certainly is a nice sink!! Buckets work great for that.. We have been working on the house also. Mom and Dad are taking that popcorn off the ceiling and man is it a mess. The dust is just unbelievable. Dad says we live in a construction zone..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Dandy Duke said...

We sure hope your mom is feeling better! We think maybe your dad might be right - too many chemical smells all at once!
Enjoy tomorrow with your gram! Root for Kyle!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Daily Echo said...

Oh we know how much you love when Grandma visits! You all should try to take your toys outside, especially after Mom puts them in the washing machine and gets them all clean. You'll see Mom move real fast to get your toy before you drop it in a puddle. It's pretty funny.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kaos!
Sure your sink is trendy!
Glad you have that picture of Blue Dude for the good memories!
I hope your mom is feeling better now!
I know how happy you will be with your Grandma!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

We are sorry that Blue Dude bit the paint. We are hoping that the new toy turns out to be a fav. Grammie says, tell your mom to check into Shaklee products for cleaning. She says they are the best cleaning products that she has ever used and they are green. She even bought some for Flash's mom. They are a little spendy, but last a really long time.

The Zoo Crew said...

mama keeps saying she needs to get busy on our house doing something called projects. but i think she's waiting for it to warm up so she can open up windows or something. or maybe it's just an excuse to her being lazy!

peace + paws,


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I am really sorry to hear about Blue Dude.

Just wanted to pop by to say farewell.

Thank you for your comments and friendship over the years.

love and sad licks, Marvin xxxxx

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hope your mom is feeling better now. I hope hamster mouse will be a fun toy you like. :)

~ Girl girl

Petra said...

Hamster Mouse looks like he'd be a good substitute for Blue Dude (for the time-being anyway).

Kaos, Motch says to tell you that are one good dog. She wouldn't be able to work on projects like your mom does and remain sane with me in the house.

(I wonder what she means by that?)

Huskee and Hershey said...

I like your new red sink! Heehee..
Hope your mom is feeling better.. maybe you can ask her to talk you out for walkies so that she can get some fresh air!

Princess Patches said...

Hi Kaos! Sorry about the blue dude! Maybe this can mean a trip to PetSmart for you and your people! Lovely sink, by the way. We had one just like it once upon a time!

Poppy & Penny

Deanna said...

My mom has the same trouble with smells. Poor mom!

Peanut said...

Oh yeah mom likes those shaklee products grammie got her. They work great and don't smell. We hope your mom feels better soon and you have a sink soon.


Sparky said...

When you pawrents are done with their house, they should come help mine with our house! LOL!(

I think your dad started a trend with that bucket sink. I bet Lowes will start to carry a version soon.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You have a great weekend...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie